2048 ALL

All the lists of 2048 variants out there! (in no particular order)

2048 Variants

List of 2048 Variants:

2048 Gabriele Cirulli's original 2048.

1024 Online version of 1024 by Veewo Studio.

Threes An online JS version of Threes by Asher Vollmer.

Spawn Changes:

128 Blocks Spawns 2s and 128s!

Random 32 Drops Also spawns 32s occasionally.

0 An exercise in futility, only 0s spawn.

2 Another exercise in fultility, only 2s spawn.

÷ Another exercise in futility, only spawns ÷ blocks. Refined version, as 3 or 4 tiles can merge.

Smaller Goals:

4 Impossible. 2x1 grid. Merge two 2s into a 4.

32 2x2 grid. Get 32.

128 3x3 board. Get 128.

(also this, but wow this interface sucks)

256 3x3 board. Get 256. Harder than the above.

1024 2048 is too hard? Just get 1024.

Bigger Goals:

4096 Try and reach 4096.

8192 Genius? Get 8192.

16384 5x5 board. Get 16384.

65536 5x5 board. Get 65536. Harder version of the above.

65536 4x4 board. Get 65536. Harder version of the above.

1048576 6x6 board. Get 1048576.

4194304 6x6 board. Get 4194304. Harder version of the above.

4194304 5x5 board. Get 4194304. Harder version of the above.

2147483648 8x8 board. Get 2147483648. Modes and Skins included.

9007199254740992 8x8 board. Get 90071992254740992. RNG included.

Number Changes:

177147 3x3=9 gameplay. Goal = 177147.

20 Multiples of 2 gameplay. Goal = 20.

50 Multiples of 5 gameplay. Goal = 50.

99 Multiples of 11 gameplay. Goal = 99.

1408 Multiples of 128! Get 1408.

270 Multiples of 10 gameplay. 8x8 board, get 270.

Difficult Variants:

2048 Hardcore Hardcore mode! Tiles are virtually invisible.

Speed 2048 Tiles spawn every second or so. Can you do it?

2048 Double Play on two boards. Get one 2048.

Random 4096 Drops Rarely it spawns 4096. Never spawns 4.

Isotopic 2048 8s, 32s and 128s decay after time. 3x3 board. Get 256.

Merger Variants:

3072 Threes merging mechanics (1+2=3, 3+3=6). Get 3072 (it's possible).

2048 Zen Merge any tile. Impossible to lose, really.

2584 Consecutive Fibonacci merges only. Reach the 2584 tile.

243 Powers of 3 version! 5x5 board, get 243.

81 Same as above, but with an easier goal.

27 Even easier.

9 Even easier.

146 Merge three or five tiles into one. Get at least three 146s to spawn and merge them.

144 Merge multiple in a row to reach 144. Grey tiles are pointless.

180 Similar to the above, but spawns 5s. Reach 180.

204÷ The ÷ tile halves the value of the tile it merges with.

12÷ Same as above, but with an easier goal of 128.

20×÷ A variant of 204÷. The × tile doubles the value of the tile it merges with. The ÷ tile is the same.

1/32 Similar to 204÷, but spawns 1s and 2s. Goal = 1/32.

1/2048 Similar to 204÷, but spawns 1s and mostly ÷s. Goal = 1/2048.

NaN Spawns NaN tiles. They cannot merge with each other.

Lose to Win 8x8 Board. Spawns NaN tiles. They cannot merge with each other.

-512 6x6 board. Spawns 2s, 4s, -2s and -4s. Reach -512.

-13 6x6 board. Spawns -1s and -2s. Reach -13.

-64 Spawns 2s and -2s. Get to -64.

±64 Positives and negatives cancel out. Get both ±64 tiles.

±13 Positives and negatives cancel out. Get both ±13 tiles.

DIVE You can merge a tile if it is a divisor of another.

2048 Advanced Spawns x2 and x4 tiles periodically. Goal = 32768.

Quantum 2048 Tiles with multiple options???

2(048) Split the numbers and make the 1 tile.

2048 +-×÷ Allows sums to happen during 2048.

Ratio2048 Tiles can merge if their ratio is 2 or higher. Get 2047.

2ps (trips) Spawns 2s. Get to 288.

3ps (trips) Spawns 3s. Get to 27, 144 or even 768.

4ps (trips) Spawns 4s. Get to 20, 288 or even 1024.

Board Variants:

2048 3x3 Play on a 3x3 board.

2048 5x5 Play on a 5x5 board. Spawns multiple things at once.

2048 6x6 Play on a 6x6 board. Spawns multiple things at once.

2048 8x8 Play on an 8x8 board.

2048 1D 1x21 grid. Impossible to lose. Only spawns 2s.

2048 3D 3x3x3 grid. Use Q and E to move forward and backward.

3D 4096 Same as the above but 16's spawn therefore the goal is 4096.

3D 256 This time the "special" tiles are abundant. Goal is 256.

2048? This time ALL tiles are abundant. Goal is 2048.

23 The most difficult of the 3D variants. 1s make 2s, 2s make 3s etc. Get 23.

2048 4D 2x2x2x2 grid. Quite difficult.

2048 5D Wow. 2x2x2x2x2 grid. Easier than the 4D version.

Hexagonal 2048 Play on a hexagonal board. Also spawns 8s.

65536 Hex A specific Powers of 4 version of the above.

512 Hexagonal board, spawns 1s, 2s and 3s. Avoid the 3s path to get 512.

512 5x5 board, spawns 2s and 3s. Avoid the 3s path to get 512.

14 The most difficult of the hexagonal variants. 1s make 2s, 2s make 3s etc. Get 14.

Cross 2048 Two overlapping grids.

Cross 2048 2 This time there are 4 overlapping cells.

Triangular 2048 Play on a triangular board. Start with 8s.

Obstacle 2048 Obstacles are placed on the board.

Gamemode Variants:

Flappy 2048 2048 + Flappy Bird. Two crazes combined...

Racing 2048 2048 + Racing Game. Easier than the above.

2048 Tetris 2048 + Tetris. Pretty interesting.

Puzzle 2048 Get to one 512 tile on your board.

Don't Make 128 This time you need to fill up the board before you make the 128 tile.

Don't Make 16 Surprisingly difficult. 3x3 board, don't make 16.

Don't Make 4096 5x5 board, don't make 4096.

Diagonal 32 Use Q, W, A and S to move the tiles. Impossible version.

2048 Threes This IS 2048 x Threes. Kind of bad, because 1+1=3 and 2+2=3. Oh well. The rest of it works.

98304 This IS 65536 x 2048 x Threes. Threes merging mechanics (1+2=3, 3+3=6). Get 98304 (it's possible).

Variants by Glukascewic1:

2048 Hex Play on a hexagonal board. Also spawns 1s.

9 This one increments by 1 and it requires a few patience to make progress. Warning: Super Easy!

9 Powers of 3 version, get 9. Warning: Super Easy!

32 Ex-Extreme gaming. Multiplies by 2 when merged. Avoid 3s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 9s, 10s, 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s, and 15s path to get 32.

4ps (trips) Spawns 4s. Get to 20, 288 or even 1024.

Z 2048 with letters. Get Z.

2048 polaris 2048 in blue. Also spawns 1s.

52 OK. This version is super easy. 26+26=52. But wait, you have to keep going to reach more tiles. Oh God.

Variants by TheReal12:

1-7 Divide Someone needs to explain this game to me.

14 The most difficult of the hexagonal variants. 1s make 2s, 2s make 3s etc. Get 14.

146 Merge three or five tiles into one. Get at least three 146s to spawn and merge them.

12-96 Merge two tiles into one. Spawns multiples of 12 (12-96).

-13 6x6 board. Spawns -1s and -2s. Reach -13.

595 Spawns 595s. Get two 595s and merge them. Warning: Super Easy!

23 The most difficult of the 3D variants. 1s make 2s, 2s make 3s etc. Get 23.

Maroon Square Color version of 144. Get Maroon.

201 Two 201s merge into 2s. A variant of Finals 2048.

2048's by me:

An updated part of the list of all the 2048 variants, created by me!

Pinky Pantone colors edition. Reach Pinky.

65536^0 The most difficult of the 65536 games. 65536s make 32768s, 32768s make 16384s etc. Get 65536^0 = 1.

±13 Positives and negatives cancel out. Get both ±13 tiles.

12 Merge two tiles into one. 1s make 2s, 2s make 3s etc. The ÷ tile subtracts the value of the tile it merges with. BUT... '1' + '÷' = '÷'. Get 12.

Finals 9007199254740992 8x8 board. X+X=9007199254740992. A variant of Finals 2048.

75025 Hexagonal board, consecutive Fibonacci merges only. Reach the 75025 tile.

2048? This time ALL tiles are abundant. Goal is 2048.

2187 5 x 5 version of 2187. Get 2187.

Tens Tens merging mechanics (1+9=10, 2+8=10, 3+7=10, 4+6=10, 5+5=10, 10+10=20).

18 5x5 board. Merge two tiles into one. 1s make 2s, 2s make 3s etc. Get 18. A variant of 12.

Fraction 1 Merge 1/2048’s into 1

2-16 Get back to studying! X+X=16 – Challenge: try to lose. It’s possible.

30 8 x 8 version of 12. 1s make 2s, 2s make 3s etc. Get 30. A variant of 12.

1337 + 1338 Merge two tiles into one. Spawns 1336s, 1337s and 1338s. Goal = 1336. Warning: You win after 1 - 3 moves!

1-64 Divide A variant of Divide It. 8x8 Board, Take the GCD unless it’s 1.

512 5x5 board, spawns 2s and 3s. Avoid the 3s path to get 512.

524288 Spawns 8s and 16s. Get 524288. A variant of 32768.

98304 This IS 65536 x 2048 x Threes. Threes merging mechanics (1+2=3, 3+3=6). Get 98304 (it's possible).

Lose to Win 8x8 Board. Spawns NaN tiles. They cannot merge with each other.

4611686018427388000 32x32 Board. Get 4611686018427388000. Modes and Skins Included. A variant of 2147483648.

Other Variants by TheReal2048:

4096 Hexagon Hexagonal Board. Use combined keys to move, such as D and A to move left top. Q, E, Z and C are the short cuts.

2048 for Dogs... 6x6 Board. Game just for Dogs to Play. Reach the Ultimate Ventus tile. Check out Ventus the Corgi's Tumblr!

Logarithmic 2048 2nd version of 12. Merge two tiles into one. 1s make 2s, 2s make 3s etc. Get 12.

98304 Easy version Makes 98304 go faster but more likely to get stuck.

Zx5 5x5 Board. 2048 with letters. Get Z. A variant of Z.

Step the 65536 tile! Merged 65536 and Don't step the white tile.

Customizable 65536 A variant of Customizable 2048. ?t=2048&v2=2&v4=4&v8=8&v16=16&v32=32&v64=64&v128=128&v256=256&v512=512&v1024=1024&v2048=2048&v4096=4096&v8192=8192&v16384=16384&v32768=32768&v65536=65536&m=131072&w=You+win%21&o=Game+over%21

Other Variants:

Upside Down 2048 Upside down!

10 6x6 board. 1+1=2, 2+2=3 etc. Goal = 10. Warning: Super Easy!

32768 6x6 board. Spawns 2s, 4s, 8s and 16s. Get to 32768.

64 6x6 board. You have to make two 64s spawn and then merge them into one 64.

52 OK. Wait for ages and eventually it spawns one 52. But wait, you have to make a second one spawn an then merge them. Oh God.

1 The start of a strange series. 8x8 board, merge two 1s. Very easy.

2 Next up is 2. 4x4 board, get two 2s and merge them. Pretty easy.

3 But that isn't the end of it. Get two 3s and merge them. A step up in difficulty.

4 There's more! 4 uses a 6x6 board. 4 is the last one that seems worthwhile.

5 Back to a 4x4 board. 5 is even more difficult than 4.

6 Back to a 6x6 board. 6 is a very time consuming game.

7 Back to a 4x4 board. 7 seems extremely difficult on this board.

8 This one has an 8x8 board but it requires a lot of patience to make progress.

9 This one increments by 1 and it requires a few patience to make progress. Warning: Super Easy!

16 Extreme gaming. 6x6 board, let's go guys.

32 Ex-Extreme gaming. Multiplies by 2 when merged. Avoid 3s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 9s, 10s, 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s, and 15s path to get 32.

Let's hope this series ends soon. I mean, I can't wait for more.

106 Commonly spawns 1s and 140s and 31s, rarely spawns 106s. Get two 106s and merge them.

1-7 Divide Someone needs to explain this game to me.

8388608 Tiles merge about the top-left cell. Get 8388608.

123 The game that isn't a game.

2401 For once and for all 2048 has officially been mucked up. Pretty mindless.

Help to get biggest list of 2048 variants!

Meta sites:

phenomist’s WordPress



2048 Reddit


crazygames.com – play directly on their site




TheReal2048 – This one!

Other Random 2048 Variants

Help to get biggest list of 2048 variants!

Meta sites.

phenomist’s WordPress



2048 Reddit


crazygames.com – play directly on their site



Aarex2048 – This one!

2048 Variants

List of 2048 Variants:

2048 Gabriele Cirulli's original 2048.

1024 Online version of 1024 by Veewo Studio.

Threes An online JS version of Threes by Asher Vollmer.

Spawn Changes:

128 Blocks Spawns 2s and 128s!

Random 32 Drops Also spawns 32s occasionally.

0 An exercise in futility, only 0s spawn.

2 Another exercise in fultility, only 2s spawn.

÷ Another exercise in futility, only spawns ÷ blocks. Refined version, as 3 or 4 tiles can merge.

Smaller Goals:

4 Impossible. 2x1 grid. Merge two 2s into a 4.

16 2x2 grid. Get 16.

128 3x3 board. Get 128.

256 3x3 board. Get 256. Harder than the above.

512 2048 is too hard? Just get 512.

Bigger Goals:

4096 Try and reach 4096.

8192 Genius? Get 8192.

16384 5x5 board. Get 16384.

65536 5x5 board. Get 65536. Harder version of the above.

1048576 6x6 board. Get 1048576.

4194304 6x6 board. Get 4194304. Harder version of the above.

9007199254740992 8x8 board. Get 90071992254740992. RNG included.

Number Changes:

177147 3x3=9 gameplay. Goal = 177147.

20 Multiples of 2 gameplay. Goal = 20.

50 Multiples of 5 gameplay. Goal = 50.

99 Multiples of 11 gameplay. Goal = 99.

1408 Multiples of 128! Get 1408.

270 Multiples of 10 gameplay. 8x8 board, get 270.

Difficult Variants:

2048 Hardcore Hardcore mode! Tiles are virtually invisible.

Speed 2048 Tiles spawn every second or so. Can you do it?

2048 Double Play on two boards. Get one 2048.

Random 4096 Drops Rarely it spawns 4096. Never spawns 4.

Isotopic 2048 8s, 32s and 128s decay after time. 3x3 board. Get 256.

Merger Variants:

3072 Threes merging mechanics (1+2=3, 3+3=6). Get 3072 (it's possible).

2048 Zen Merge any tile. Impossible to lose, really.

987 Consecutive Fibonacci merges only. Reach the 987 tile.

243 Powers of 3 version! 5x5 board, get 243.

81 Same as above, but with an easier goal.

27 Even easier.

146 Merge three or five tiles into one. Get at least three 146s to spawn and merge them.

144 Merge multiple in a row to reach 144. Grey tiles are pointless.

180 Similar to the above, but spawns 5s. Reach 180.

204÷ The ÷ tile halves the value of the tile it merges with.

12÷ Same as above, but with an easier goal of 128.

204×÷ A variant of 204÷. The × tile doubles the value of the tile it merges with. The ÷ tile is the same.

1/32 Similar to 204÷, but spawns 1s and 2s. Goal = 1/32.

NaN Spawns NaN tiles. They cannot merge with each other.

-512 6x6 board. Spawns 2s, 4s, -2s and -4s. Reach -512.

-64 Spawns 2s and -2s. Get to -64.

±64 Positives and negatives cancel out. Get both ±64 tiles.

DIVE You can merge a tile if it is a divisor of another.

2048 Advanced Spawns x2 and x4 tiles periodically. Goal = 32768.

Quantum 2048 Tiles with multiple options???

2(048) Split the numbers and make the 2 tile.

2048 +-*/ Allows sums to happen during 2048.

2047 Tiles can merge if their ratio is 2 or higher. A random goal at the end.

2ps (trips) Spawns 2s. Get to 288.

3ps (trips) Spawns 3s. Get to 27, 144 or even 768.

Board Variants:

2048 3x3 Play on a 3x3 board.

2048 6x6 Play on a 6x6 board. Spawns multiple things at once.

2048 8x8 Play on an 8x8 board.

2048 1D 1x21 grid. Impossible to lose. Only spawns 2s.

2048 3D 3x3x3 grid. Use Q and E to move forward and backward.

3D 4096 Same as the above but 16's spawn therefore the goal is 4096.

3D 256 This time the "special" tiles are abundant. Goal is 256.

23 The most difficult of the 3D variants. 1s make 2s, 2s make 3s etc. Get 23.

2048 4D 2x2x2x2 grid. Quite difficult.

2048 5D Wow. 2x2x2x2x2 grid. Easier than the 4D version.

Hexagonal 2048 Play on a hexagonal board. Also spawns 8s.

65536 Hex A specific Powers of 4 version of the above.

512 Hexagonal board, spawns 1s, 2s and 3s. Avoid the 3s path to get 512.

Cross 2048 Two overlapping grids.

Cross 2048 2 This time there are 4 overlapping cells.

Triangular 2048 Play on a triangular board. Start with 8s.

Obstacle 2048 Obstacles are placed on the board.

Gamemode Variants:

Flappy 2048 2048 + Flappy Bird. Two crazes combined...

Racing 2048 2048 + Racing Game. Easier than the above.

2048 Tetris 2048 + Tetris. Pretty interesting.

to11 Get to one tile on your board.

Don't Make 64 This time you need to fill up the board before you make the 64 tile.

Don't Make 8 Surprisingly difficult. 3x3 board, don't make 8.

Don't Make 1024 5x5 board, don't make 1024.

Diagonal 2048 Use Q, W, A and S to move the tiles. Impossible version.

2048 Threes This IS 2048 x Threes. Kind of bad, because 1+1=3 and 2+2=3. Oh well. The rest of it works.

Other Variants:

Upside Down 2048 Upside down!

10 6x6 board. 1+1=2, 2+2=3 etc. Goal = 10. Warning: Super Easy!

32768 6x6 board. Spawns 2s, 4s, 8s and 16s. Get to 32768.

64 6x6 board. You have to make two 64s spawn and then merge them into one 64.

52 OK. Wait for ages and eventually it spawns one 52. But wait, you have to make a second one spawn an then merge them. Oh God.

1 The start of a strange series. 8x8 board, merge two 1s. Very easy.

2 Next up is 2. 4x4 board, get two 2s and merge them. Pretty easy.

3 But that isn't the end of it. Get two 3s and merge them. A step up in difficulty.

4 There's more! 4 uses a 6x6 board. 4 is the last one that seems worthwhile.

5 Back to a 4x4 board. 5 is even more difficult than 4.

6 Back to a 6x6 board. 6 is a very time consuming game.

7 Back to a 4x4 board. 7 seems extremely difficult on this board.

8 This one has an 8x8 board but it requires a lot of patience to make progress.

16 Extreme gaming. 6x6 board, let's go guys.

Let's hope this series ends soon. I mean, I can't wait for more.

106 Commonly spawns 1s and 140s, rarely spawns 31s and 106s. Get two 106s and merge them.

1-7 Divide Someone needs to explain this game to me.

8388608 Tiles merge about the top-left cell. Get 8388608.

123 The game that isn't a game.

2401 For once and for all 2048 has officially been mucked up. Pretty mindless.

2048 Variants 2048variants by orangefreeze


View project on GitHub

List of some 2048 variants:

The easy game, 10 1+1=2 gameplay.

My newest game, 99 11+11=22 gameplay.

Special thanks to Asher Vollmer for creating Threes.

Spawn a 64

ALL THE 2048

ALL THE 2048

An updated list of all the 2048 variants out there! (in no particular order)

ALL THE 2048

ALL THE 2048

An updated list of all the 2048 variants out there! (in no particular order)

More 2048

More Random 2048 Variants

An updated list of all the 2048 variants out there! (in no particular order)

  • Other Random 2048 Variants

    Here is a list of online variants scouted from github. For the record, that means that there are very few apps on this list, and only those that you can compile yourself. The majority of these links are intended to be accessed from the Internet.

    [updated regularly by scouring github and /r/2048; last updated 09-21-2014]

    Green = Recommended for extended play

    Blue = Recommended for quick humor


    Gabrielle Cirulli’s original 2048: [LINK]

    [And the Threes creator is rather annoyed at the entire phenomenon so I guess I should link to a JS version of his game at this link]

    Spawn Changes

    The most tame variants, these just alter the numbers spawned.

    4’s only: [LINK] Knocks the difficulty level down a notch, or maybe two.

    Larger than 2 and 4: [LINK] Makes the game go faster but more likely to get stuck.

    1024-field: [LINK] For those who can’t complete the original 2048…

    Deterministic 2048: [LINK] Remove the randomness of the spawning!

    0: [LINK] An exercise in futility, only 0 spawns.

    0: [LINK] Another exercise in futility.

    0 Block: [LINK] 0 block spawns with other numbers.

    Goal Changes and Bigger/Smaller Boards

    2048 is a kinda small (or big) goal. Let’s change it.

    2×1 Grid

    4: [LINK] Just… wow

    2×2 Grid

    4: [LINK] A modestly fun challenge would be to get 16 (or even 32 if you’re lucky)

    3x3 Grid

    511: [LINK] (FLASH) You have to get the full board 256-128-…-1 to win. Includes some analysis / hint function.

    256: [LINK] Too hard? Just get 256.

    4×4 Grid

    4096: [LINK]

    8192: [LINK]

    Power of two: [LINK] [8… 32768, pick your target]

    204∞ / ∞ / 2-bitfinity: [LINK 1] | [LINK 2] | [LINK 3]

    I guess they’re bounded by 2^17 = 131072 (and realistically a lot less than that)

    5×5 Grid

    65536: [LINK]

    6×6 Grid

    2-2-4: [LINK] WARNING: This departs from 2048 in that it spawns bigger things and two at a time.

    4194304: [LINK] Or 2^22

    8×8 Grid

    16384: [LINK]

    9007199254740992: [LINK] 2^53 for the record. 8×8 board. Now with a RNG that plays for you.

    Small Functionality “Improvements”

    Adds some small useful feature but otherwise doesn’t change anything

    jerryjiahaha: [LINK] – Savestate (+loading), undo once without preset random seed (easy to “cheat”)

    Codecoach: [LINK] – Adds a timer. Also you can share to Sina if you’re that type of person

    Infinite Undo: [LINK] – Also uses a preset random seed so you can’t “cheat”

    Config Sharing: [LINK] – You can start from any config by modifying the hashtag after the URL.

    Dropbox 2048: [LINK] – Sync with dropbox your highscores and savegames. It’s also blue

    Mistake Protection: [LINK] – I actually haven’t invoked the mistake protection but I’ll just take their word for it

    Study 2048: [LINK] – Studying for finals but can’t resist the 2048 temptation? (and actually want to play unlike in Finals 2048) Answer questions periodically while you play!

    2048 Analyze: [LINK] – Analyze the board and undo.

    2048 with Timer: [LINK] – Analyze the board and undo.

    Aesthetic Variants

    Numbers in boxes are boring, let’s change that.

    Disclaimer: some of these aesthetic variants are just numbers in boxes.

    So I’m bad at pop culture and stuff so idk what most of this stuff is. But oh well.

    NEW NOTE: I’ll probably stop tracking usvsth3m variants unless they’re notable, since it’s REALLY easy to make your own variant without that much effort now.

    Numbers in boxes

    Numberwang: [LINK] Heh, British humo(u)r.

    1: [LINK] Merge 1/1024’s into 1

    2048^0: [LINK 1] | [LINK 2] Numbers divide by 2 when merged. [Equivalent to “4096” actually]

    177147: [LINK] Kinda weird, but X+X=3X. Play to 3^11.

    11: [LINK] N+N=N+1.

    Upside Down 2048: [LINK] In more ways than one

    2048i: [LINK] Multiply by -2i instead

    x^11: [LINK] Get an 11th power

    10^11: [LINK] A specific version of the above.

    Minimalist Versions (I define as “original 2048 with different colors, or just colors”)

    prism: [LINK] Colors only – Bright colors

    dulux autumn pallet edition:[LINK]

    Saming’s 2048: [LINK] Includes a “MMO” version in link. I think it might play a bit differently.

    Katon 2048: [LINK] Fiery! (Portuguese.)

    Animated 2048: [LINK] Numbers are animated, from what I see pretty smooth HTML5 animations

    Letters in boxes

    Periodic Table: [LINK] A shame that this fails for 128+

    Mg: [LINK] Also a periodic table variant, though this had sustainability in mind

    0xff: [LINK] [Not a complete copy per se, spawns 0x0 and 0x1, where 0x0 -> 0x4b -> 0x69 and 0x1 -> 0x69 BUT 0x1 and 0x4b do not interact with each other – it makes the game a bit harder]

    2048 Meta: [LINK] Evolve versions of the game into more complex versions.

    LHC 2048: [LINK] Play with fundamental particles!

    Offensive 2048: [LINK] Viewer discretion possibly suggested

    Drupal 2048: [LINK]

    Alphabet 2048: [LINK] Comes in a variety of languages!

    Circle of Fifths: [LINK] Music theme; also it’s cyclical (although quite hard to actually attain; you “restart” every 8192 you can make)

    Dek: [LINK] Multilingual 2048

    People in boxes

    Jpop? [LINK] [Not Kpop apparently so I’ll guess again]

    2048 Tonantes: [LINK] I really don’t know anymore… (It’s Spanish.)

    UChicago: [LINK]

    Doctor Who: [LINK]

    Turkish Gov’t: [LINK]

    Dragonball Z: [LINK] (Spanish)

    Simpsons: [LINK]

    fb2048: [LINK] [Requires Facebook, as the name suggests.] Merge your friends together!

    Everything else in boxes

    doge2048: [LINK]

    Get MIT (Good US Colleges): [LINK] [And for Caltech sympathizers, this is a much simpler version.]

    Pokemon 2048: [LINK]

    March Madness: [LINK]

    Match Madness: [LINK] [A different bracket?]

    Finnish Alcohol: [LINK]

    2048 Meta [Pictures]: [LINK] Like 2048 Meta but with images

    TfL Roundels Edition: [LINK]

    UC System 1024: [LINK] [UCSB is the last one, FYI]

    Lorem Pixel: [LINK] Combine random images, a new challenge every time

    Paw 2048: [LINK] can haz cheezburger?

    Corgi 2048: [LINK] Corgis!

    SHOTS!: [LINK] 2048 becomes a drinking game

    Audio Variants

    Audio Drone 2048: [LINK] – Sounds that correspond to what you merged

    Lulz 2048: [LINK] – Laughs

    Synth 2048: [LINK] – Synthesized sounds

    Difficult Variants

    As if 2048 wasn’t hard enough…

    2048 Hard: [LINK]

    Evil 2048: [LINK]

    Devil’s 2048: [LINK]

    AI can deliberately try to place squares in the least convenient of locations. The first includes an autorunner and has more options, but the other two run a lot faster.

    2048 Hardcore (Invis): [LINK]

    I’m not sure I’m seeing the difficulty…

    2048 Hell: [LINK]

    It’s easier than the above, at least you get to see where the tiles are (although you don’t see what numbers they are). And the larger ones do glow.

    Speed 2048: [LINK]

    Quick, tiles spawn every second or so! You also lose if you run out of space and the autospawn can’t spawn a new block.

    Jubeat 2048: [LINK]

    A cross between Deterministic 2048 and Speed 2048. (If you’re feeling particularly masochistic, try 1x speed.) Jubeat is a rhythm game by Bemani; it’s kinda like DDR except with squares.

    2048 Double: [LINK]

    Play 2048 on two boards at once. Lose on any board, lose on both boards. But you only need one 2048, thankfully.

    Random 4096 Drops: [LINK]

    Pretty sure this makes the game impossible to actually complete. But you’ll get really high scores anyway.

    Troll 2048: [LINK]

    If you like not moving in the right direction that is. Pretty mindless

    Isotopic 2048: [LINK]

    The 8, 32, 128, etc. tiles are unstable and decay after some time. You also get a 3×3 grid. Get 256.

    Fe[26]: [LINK]

    A more accurate version of the above. There’s a tricky step but afterwards it’s not too bad.

    2048 Hell (Flash): [LINK]

    2048 with physics and a more continuous “flow”.

    Merger Variants

    Changes the basic 2+2=4 equation to something weird

    2048 Zen: [LINK] [Merge anything, merge all. Impossible to lose, really]

    2048 (Unrefined merge all): [LINK] [Merge anything, but going over doesn’t register win]

    2584: [LINK] [Consecutive Fibonacci merges only.]

    1597: [LINK] [Same as above but one less.]

    987: [LINK] [Same as above but one less, again.]

    Or just Fibonacci forever.

    2187: [LINK] [3+3+3=9 gameplay. The code is sort of broken though.]

    243: [LINK] [5×5 board, 1+1+1=3. A lot more solvable now.]

    144: [LINK] [Combine multiple in a row to make 144. 5×5 board. Yes, you can make 1+1+1+1+1=5 and you’ll be sad.]

    Finals 2048: [LINK] [Get back to studying! X+X=2048 – Challenge: try to lose. It’s possible]

    204÷: [LINK] [The division sign divides a cell in half. Hilarity ensues with the 1/2, 1/4, … tiles]

    -512: [LINK] [6×6 board, two different noninteracting worlds…]

    0: [LINK] [But now they interact! 4×4 board, negatives and positives cancel out. Get zero.]

    ±64: [LINK] [Unless your goal is to get a big number (the absolute value of it, that is). Get either 64 or -64.]

    2048 Advanced: [LINK] [Spawns x2 and x4 tiles periodically. Goal = 32768]

    2(048): [LINK] [2X = X+X]

    20 Euros: [LINK] [Ok, this is now quite great. Merge coins the way you normally merge them: 1+1=2, 1+2+2=5, etc.]

    Quantum 2048: [LINK] [Wow. It collapses only if there’s no other options.]

    Divide it!: [LINK] [Take the GCD unless it’s 1]

    DIV and DIVE: [DIV] | [DIVE] [You can merge two numbers if one is a divisor of another. The first is the precursor but the second attributes itself to the former and extends it decently, with a better formatting system.]

    2048 +-*/: [LINK] [Don’t divide by 0!]

    2047: [LINK] [If the ratio of two things is less than 2, then you can merge them. A random goal at the end.]

    3ps [trips]: [LINK] [5×5 board; Threes merging mechanics (1+2=3; x+x=2x for x>=3); Goal 3072]

    Strange Board and Dimensional Variants

    More movement controls, or different boards, etc.

    2048 1-D [LINK]

    1×21 grid. I’m not sure it’s even possible to lose, really. Never spawns 4.

    2048 3-D [LINK 1] | [LINK 2] | [LINK 3] | [LINK 4] | [LINK 5]

    3x3x3 grid. Significantly easier than the normal but still “losable”. Second link actually visualizes the 3-D, and third link does the same while “preserving” the 2048 style. The fourth one is a version made in Unity.

    The fifth one is made with WebGL, and interestingly is more restrictive (you cannot move in the same direction or do a complete flip; you use arrows to rotate the cube.)

    2048 4-D [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]

    Both are 2x2x2x2 grids. The former link is more visually distinct with the subgrids than the latter.

    [also this, but wow this interface sucks]

    2048 5-D [LINK]

    Oh boy. [2x2x2x2x2] Quite easier than the 4-D version.

    16384 Hexagon [LINK]

    Regular hexagon of sidelength 3. 16384 seems rather difficult to actually attain in this mode, and it even spawns 1’s along with 2’s and 4’s.

    2048 Hexagon [LINK] Same as above but with a center peg (and an easier goal)

    2048 Hexagon 2 [LINK] But now you only have 4 moves (depending on your previous left/right move, up/down play two different moves.)

    2048 Cross 1 [LINK]

    2048 Cross 2 [LINK]

    2048 Diagonal [LINK] Yeah… don’t bother trying to get 2048, it’s just not possible.

    The above variants are two 4×4 squares that intersect each other by 1 and 4 squares respectively. Once a tile is in this intersection region it can’t move out ever again.

    2048 Triangular [LINK]

    2210212 [LINK] From the Berkeley Mystery Hunt. There is an associated one-word answer to this puzzle! Try to find it. Winning the game should be easier than normal 2048.

    Obstacle 2048 [LINK] Obstacles are placed on the board.


    Play with someone else either online or on the computer.

    Regular 2048 Multiplayer: [LINK 1] | [LINK 2] | [LINK 3]

    Depending on your opponent this game could be exciting and competitive. But playing it safe seems to be your best bet.

    Second link is a little different. You play on the same board and you try to get the most points. It allows you to play with a specified player but gets less random player traffic.

    Third link allows you to play with someone else on your computer… or by yourself if you’re forever alone.

    HN Plays 2048: [LINK]

    Akin to the (in?)famous Twitch Plays Pokemon, it’s obviously a good idea to crowdsource the 2048 playing!

    Twilio Plays 2048: [LINK]

    Another crowdsource variant where you text movement commands to a phone number.

    Cal vs Stanford Hackathon Anarchy: [LINK]

    Twitch plays 2048: [LINK]

    And if you like the classic Twitch.tv experience of TPP here you go. The above is a lot more native though.

    8402: [LINK]

    The tables have turned and you are now the evil RNG that places the tiles.

    Need more urgency? 2048: [LINK] Start placing 16’s and 32’s.

    Human 2048: [LINK]

    Or maybe you want to play with someone else.

    Gamemode Variants

    Significant departure / paradigm shift from original gameplay

    Infinity: [LINK]

    Enough upgrades and random stuff for me to call this a new game.

    Digolux: [LINK]

    In order to acquire points you have to deposit a dedicated score block, which changes strategy a bit. If you combo enough you can also get multiplier exits, and etc.

    Words Oh So Great: [LINK]

    Letters instead of numbers, and they disappear afterwards. I really think that this should be a different game entirely but it keeps the block aesthetic of 2048.

    Flappy 2048 (on 4×4 grid): [LINK] (1, 2, 3, 4, …)

    Flappy Doge2048: [LINK] (much doge)

    Logarithmic Flappy 2048: [LINK] (1, 2, 4, 8, …)

    Numberwang Flappy 2048: [LINK]

    Flappy Bird mechanics with a 2048 “theme”. No real 2048 gameplay similarities.

    Flappy Thirds: [LINK]

    Slightly 2048-mechanic in that you have to identify the right thing to merge.

    Flappy 2048: [LINK]

    This is probably the best Flappy Bird rendition of 2048 to date. Pretty challenging and smooth graphics.

    Flappy 2048 Side-by-Side: [LINK]

    Now THIS is Flappy Bird x 2048. Kinda bad implementation though.

    Racing 2048: [LINK] Flappy Bird with easier controls

    2048 Tetris: [LINK]

    These mechanics seem quite interesting actually

    to11: [LINK]

    The no-spawn puzzler version is here!

    Anti-2048: [LINK]

    Lose to win. (Try to lock yourself up)

    Negative 2048: [LINK]

    Good luck not making 2048 (a lot harder than the previous)

    Automated Scripts

    The computer is smarter and better than you are at playing the game

    Rating system: [X|Y] where X = Performance, Y = Speed (out of 10). Kinda subjective.

    [7|2] 2048 AI: [LINK] – Can be played by a human (and with a “hint” mode too)

    [5|6] 2048 Benchmark: [LINK]

    [8|8] 2048 (SleepyCoder): [LINK]

    [4|6] 2048 (Abstractionnl): [LINK]

    [8|5.2] 2048 (maartenbaert): [LINK]

    [5|5] 2048 (randomguy64): [LINK]

    [2|10] Four Basic Algorithms: [LINK] – This is more of an instructional example than a real AI. Random and near-random, simple behavior can do quite well at this game. This blogpost provides a more detailed explanation.

    AI’s written for API (load into below link)

    [?|?] 2048 with AI API: [LINK] – Build your own AI! (The packaged one isn’t that good but that’s not the point)

    [6] Monotonic AI [AI]

    [5] bbarry: [AI]

    [4] Murgo’s original: [AI]

    [3] villesalonen: [AI]

    Overall Packages

    These give you the whole shebang.

    2^31: [LINK]

    Lots of modes + basic algorithms. Includes e.g. Fibonacci, Threes!, “Merge All”, and Timed modes.

    2^31: [LINK]

    The same ol' thang + some other 2048 variants he has made.

    2^31: [LINK]

    And this page can support grid sizes up to 32x32.

    Play 2048: [LINK]

    Set your goal to 128, 256, …, 8192, or play Flappy 2048 all in one place!

    Some Assembly Required

    A smartphone or a compiler. (i.e. not this if you’re looking to play now)

    Special Equipment:

    Augmented Reality: [LINK]

    Webcam “Air2048”: [LINK]

    MS Excel: [LINK] (dropbox link, themed/camouflaged as a budget spreadsheet)


    Atari: [LINK]

    Bash: [LINK]

    C: [LINK] | No assembly required! Get an executable here!

    Another C: [LINK]

    Gameboy: [LINK]

    Hardware: [LINK] [Still a prototype.]

    iOS: [LINK] | source included

    Java: [LINK] | There’s an AI here: [LINK] (I’ll rate it as a 7|7)

    sed: [LINK]

    Terminal: [LINK]

    TI-84: [LINK]

    Vim: [LINK]


    Build your own 2048 variant

    [LINK] – Text only

    [LINK] – Images only

    [LINK] – Either

    Other / Huh?

    They claim to do better but I don’t see it; check back later I guess

    [LINK] – Spawns 64+, really weird movement (super easy to win)


    Today we are meta.

    phenomist’s WordPress – This one!



    2048 Reddit


    crazygames.com – play directly on their site




    Aarex’s List


  • 2048 directory

    2048 directory

    An updated list of all the 2048 variants out there! (in no particular order)

    2048 - The Original

    The one that started it all

    2048 - 3D

    Play in 3D on a 3x3x3 board

    2048 - 4D

    Play in 4D on a 2x2x2x2 board

    2048 - AI

    Why play when a computer can play for you?

    2048 - Multiplayer

    Battle competitors to see who's the ultimate 2048 player!

    16384 Hex

    Play on a hexagonal board




    Collide particles to generate the Higgs Boson

    Flappy 2048

    Jump through the tiles and get to 2048!

    Log. Flappy 2048

    Flappy 2048 with logarithmic scoring

    2048 Meta

    A 2048 of 2048 Games

    2048 Tetris

    2048 with a Tetris twist

    Doctor Who 2048

    2048 with The Doctor

    2048 - Hard

    The computer will always place the tile in an annoying place.


    Prevent the evil AI player from reaching the 2048 tile!


    Divide until you reach the 1-tile!

    2048 Corgis

    2048 with Corgis

    2048 Mania

    2048 Mania

    An updated list of all the 2048 variants out there! (in no particular order)

    2048 2D (Orignal) 2048 3D 2048 4D 2048 5D Devil's 2048 2048 NumberWang Evil 2048 Bash 2048 Fibonacci 8x8 2147483648 8x8 9007199254740992 Hex 16384 Flappy 2048 logarithmic flappy 2048 flappy bird and 2048 side by side Doge 2048 2048 AI 2048 Tetris 2048-Multiplayer 2048^0 2048-undo LHC (2048 For Physicists) 2048 Meta Pokemon 2048 Deterministic 2048 11 243 1 204div -512 Dropbox 2048 2048DBZ 8192 Bollywood 2048 2048 3D Layered 987

    2048's by me

    2048's I created (oldest to newest)

  • 131072 (forked from Cam Song a.k.a. (unknownhacker1125))[Link]
  • 2147483648 [Link]
  • 2s only [Link]
  • -512 [Link]
  • 2048's by me

    2048's by me

    An updated list of all the 2048 variants, created by me!

    To add your own, fork on github, add your own and open a pull request.

    Original 2048 created by Gabriele Cirulli. This list created by TheReal23.

    Mean Triag's Games

    Mean Triag's Games

    An updated list of all the 2048 variants out there! (in no particular order)

    3072 - Threes merging mechanics (1+2=3, 3+3=6). Make 3072.

    2048 2x2 - 2048 on a 2x2 grid. 'You win' comes up after every game (as it's impossible to get more than a 16)

    -16 - 6x6 board. Negatives are rarer than positives. Get -16.

    524288 - 5x5 board. Get 524288 (super difficult).

    2097152 - 6x6 board. Get 2097152.

    8388608 - 8x8 board. Tiles merge about the top-left cell. Get 8388608.

    20 - 4x4 board, multiples of 2 are created. The top-left tile can remove other tiles. Get 20.

    57 - 4x4 board, 1s spawn and cannot merge. Get 57.

    76 - 6x6 board, spawns 73s, 74s, 75s and 76s. As the numbers increase, their rarity does. Merge a 76 with another one.

    1408 - 4x4 board, multiples of 128 game. Get 1408.

    2401 - The grid cells have been denatured. Have fun!

    Don't Make 8 - 3x3 board, finish before making an 8.

    Don't Make 64 - 4x4 board, finish before making a 64.

    Don't Make 1024 - 5x5 board, finish before making a 1024.

    ALL THE 2048

    ALL THE 2048

    An updated list of all the 2048 variants out there! (in no particular order)

    • Original by Gabriele Cirulli
    • 2048 AI by Matt Overlan
    • 2048-3D by Michal Opler
    • 2048-4D by Huon Wilson
    • 2048 Tetris by Prateek Agarwal
    • 2048-Multiplayer by Emil Stolarsky
    • Hex 16384 by Rudradev Basak
    • 2048^0 by Jonas Termeau
    • 2048-undo by Alok Menghrajani
    • LHC (2048 For Physicists) by milrivel
    • 2048 Meta by Jeffrey Stanton
    • Pokemon 2048 by Allyson Schrader
    • Doge 2048 by Jason LaFerrera
    • Flappy 2048 by hcz
    • Deterministic 2048 by jmfork
    • 11 by Elazar Gershuni
    • 243 by Harrison Gentry
    • 1 by Harrison Gentry
    • 204div by Harrison Gentry
    • -512 by Harrison Gentry
    • Flappy 2048 Side-By-Side by Cheng Lou
    • Dropbox 2048 by Dropbox
    • 2048DBZ by Gonzalo Gluzman & Matias Garcia Isaia
    • 8402 by Tom Hargreaves
    • zero by Matt Chisholm
    • fb2048 by Ben Bailey
    • 8192 by JamesQAQ
    • 65536 by JamesQAQ
    • 9007199254740992 by JamesQAQ
    • 2(048) by Joe Wegner
    • 2048 by Saming
    • 144 by Joe Zeng
    • 20 Euro by jatekos101
    • 2048 - Justin Bieber by Mati Menkes
    • 2048 - A Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages by Duarte Duarte & JP Dias
    • troll2048 by J2R2
    • Quantum 2048 by uhyo
    • Cosmos 2048 (Chrome Extension) by Agadeta Games
    • lulz2048 by J2R2
    • LHC (2048 for creating a HIGGS BOSON) by mattleblanc
    • anti-2048 by darkstar112358
    • OPO48 by Oeil pour Oeil
    • Divide It! by Drew Weymouth
    • One by Ajnas Kt
    • syn2048 by J2R2
    • Play with Diamonds (for people who don't like numbers) by Jrmgx
    • PAW 2048 by cestsupersympa
    • Simpsons 2048 by Amit Surti
    • SH0TS! by B4RM4N
    • Racing 2048 by hcz
    • Upside Down 2048 by hcz
    • Easy 2048 by hcz
    • Twitch Plays 2048 by Twitch
    • to11 - puzzle 2048 by Matthew Vassilakos
    • Yet Another 2048 Variant by 1338h4x
    • 11 Game by Milovan Suvakov
    • 2048 Alphabet by Misho M. Petkovic
    • Diagonal 2048 by Vladimir Mandaric
    • Mg by Blanboom
    • 2048 Hiragana by Misho M. Petkovic
    • 2048 Katakana by Misho M. Petkovic
    • Complex function edition 2048 by Mikael Mayer
    • 2048 Law Edition by Zach Hastings
    • 2048 Hack Version by Egansoft
    • 2048 Greek Numerals by Simos Xenitellis
    • 2048: Roman numerals edition by Daniel Barber
    • WWE Edition by Darren Fog
    • Air2048 by Bennett Feely
    • Star Wars by 2048
    • Army by 2048
    • Cupcakes by 2048
    • Tiffany by 2048
    • Super Heels by 2048
    • Flappy Thirds by Nakshatra
    • Help Ted! by Vaibhav Gupta
    • 2048Endless by Aarex Tiaokhiao
    • Finals 2048 by Gagikm
    • 1597 by jmhummel
    • 987 by cosmic72
    • DIV by themoreyouknow
    • DIVE by alexfink
    • 2048 +-*/ by frankh
    • 0 by Jeff Magill
    • Musical 2048 by Cantorion
    • Doctor Who Edition by usvsth3m
    • Led Zeppelin 2048 by cheesecake_assassin
    • Rihanna Edition by Emma S
    • 2048 for Windows 8 by Peter Vrenken
    • 2048 Azbuka by Misho M. Petkovic
    • isotpic 256 by James Donnelly
    • 2048 Numberwang by Lou Huang
    • 2147483648 by Zhao Hanguang
    • Logarithmic Flappy 2048 by ajf
    • 4 by Victor Goya
    • Evil 2048 by AJ Richardson
    • 2048 2048 2048 by Stingclaw
    • 2048i by Matthew Bauer
    • 2048 Study Tool by Anthony Liu
    • 2048 + 2048 by Nicolas Hurtubise
    • Japanese version by Superfoo
    • 1 by Superfoo
    • 2048-SendGrid by Brandon Evans
    • 1024 Game by M. Petkovic
    • Cubik's 2048 by Kshitij Banerjee
    • Minecraft 2048 by total2048
    • Undress 2048 (NSFW) by 2048undress
    • Animated 2048 by Romain Cousin
    • Powerpuff 2048 by Dominiqe McCaskill
    • MLP 2048 by Dominiqe McCaskill
    • Obstacle 2048 by Alexey Nurgaliev
    • Dogs 2048 by Daniel Barber
    • Pacman 2048 by Daniel Barber
    • Isotopic 2048 by James Donnelly
    • 2048 in French by wiity.net
    • Minecraft 2048 by coddyer18
    • 2048 Hundley Edition by WandoHD
    • Zelda 2048 by Dan Harel
    • 2048 Undress Ian Somerhalder by 2048undress
    • 2048x5 by Kaivo Anastetiks
    • 2048x6 by Kaivo Anastetiks
    • Super Mario Edition by MinerGamez
    • Beastie Boys Edition Edition by MinerGamez
    • 511 Game by Arek Paterek
    • 2048 Analyze by Arek Paterek
    • Smart 2048 by Arek Paterek
    • Sonic the Hedgehog Edition by nyannah
    • Zelda 2048 by Triforce
    • Money Edition by MinerGamez
    • Nintendo Edition by MinerGamez
    • Violet Edition by MinerGamez
    • JOC Wines Edition by m blan
    • 65536 Endless by Aarex Tiaokhiao
    • 4194304 by Aarex Tiaokhiao
    • 4194304 Endless by Aarex Tiaokhiao
    • 2584 by Aarex Tiaokhiao
    • 1024 (Browser) by Aarex Tiaokhiao
    • Other Random 2048 Variants

      Here is a list of online variants scouted from github. For the record, that means that there are very few apps on this list, and only those that you can compile yourself. The majority of these links are intended to be accessed from the Internet.

      [updated regularly by scouring github and /r/2048; last updated 09-21-2014]

      Green = Recommended for extended play

      Blue = Recommended for quick humor


      Gabrielle Cirulli’s original 2048: [LINK]

      [And the Threes creator is rather annoyed at the entire phenomenon so I guess I should link to a JS version of his game at this link]

      Spawn Changes

      The most tame variants, these just alter the numbers spawned.

      4’s only: [LINK] Knocks the difficulty level down a notch, or maybe two.

      Larger than 2 and 4: [LINK] Makes the game go faster but more likely to get stuck.

      1024-field: [LINK] For those who can’t complete the original 2048…

      Deterministic 2048: [LINK] Remove the randomness of the spawning!

      0: [LINK] An exercise in futility, only 0 spawns.

      0: [LINK] Another exercise in futility.

      0 Block: [LINK] 0 block spawns with other numbers.

      Goal Changes and Bigger/Smaller Boards

      2048 is a kinda small (or big) goal. Let’s change it.

      2×1 Grid

      4: [LINK] Just… wow

      2×2 Grid

      4: [LINK] A modestly fun challenge would be to get 16 (or even 32 if you’re lucky)

      3x3 Grid

      511: [LINK] (FLASH) You have to get the full board 256-128-…-1 to win. Includes some analysis / hint function.

      256: [LINK] Too hard? Just get 256.

      4×4 Grid

      4096: [LINK]

      8192: [LINK]

      Power of two: [LINK] [8… 32768, pick your target]

      204∞ / ∞ / 2-bitfinity: [LINK 1] | [LINK 2] | [LINK 3]

      I guess they’re bounded by 2^17 = 131072 (and realistically a lot less than that)

      5×5 Grid

      65536: [LINK]

      6×6 Grid

      2-2-4: [LINK] WARNING: This departs from 2048 in that it spawns bigger things and two at a time.

      4194304: [LINK] Or 2^22

      8×8 Grid

      16384: [LINK]

      9007199254740992: [LINK] 2^53 for the record. 8×8 board. Now with a RNG that plays for you.

      Small Functionality “Improvements”

      Adds some small useful feature but otherwise doesn’t change anything

      jerryjiahaha: [LINK] – Savestate (+loading), undo once without preset random seed (easy to “cheat”)

      Codecoach: [LINK] – Adds a timer. Also you can share to Sina if you’re that type of person

      Infinite Undo: [LINK] – Also uses a preset random seed so you can’t “cheat”

      Config Sharing: [LINK] – You can start from any config by modifying the hashtag after the URL.

      Dropbox 2048: [LINK] – Sync with dropbox your highscores and savegames. It’s also blue

      Mistake Protection: [LINK] – I actually haven’t invoked the mistake protection but I’ll just take their word for it

      Study 2048: [LINK] – Studying for finals but can’t resist the 2048 temptation? (and actually want to play unlike in Finals 2048) Answer questions periodically while you play!

      2048 Analyze: [LINK] – Analyze the board and undo.

      2048 with Timer: [LINK] – Analyze the board and undo.

      Aesthetic Variants

      Numbers in boxes are boring, let’s change that.

      Disclaimer: some of these aesthetic variants are just numbers in boxes.

      So I’m bad at pop culture and stuff so idk what most of this stuff is. But oh well.

      NEW NOTE: I’ll probably stop tracking usvsth3m variants unless they’re notable, since it’s REALLY easy to make your own variant without that much effort now.

      Numbers in boxes

      Numberwang: [LINK] Heh, British humo(u)r.

      1: [LINK] Merge 1/1024’s into 1

      2048^0: [LINK 1] | [LINK 2] Numbers divide by 2 when merged. [Equivalent to “4096” actually]

      177147: [LINK] Kinda weird, but X+X=3X. Play to 3^11.

      11: [LINK] N+N=N+1.

      Upside Down 2048: [LINK] In more ways than one

      2048i: [LINK] Multiply by -2i instead

      x^11: [LINK] Get an 11th power

      10^11: [LINK] A specific version of the above.

      Minimalist Versions (I define as “original 2048 with different colors, or just colors”)

      prism: [LINK] Colors only – Bright colors

      dulux autumn pallet edition:[LINK]

      Saming’s 2048: [LINK] Includes a “MMO” version in link. I think it might play a bit differently.

      Katon 2048: [LINK] Fiery! (Portuguese.)

      Animated 2048: [LINK] Numbers are animated, from what I see pretty smooth HTML5 animations

      Letters in boxes

      Periodic Table: [LINK] A shame that this fails for 128+

      Mg: [LINK] Also a periodic table variant, though this had sustainability in mind

      0xff: [LINK] [Not a complete copy per se, spawns 0x0 and 0x1, where 0x0 -> 0x4b -> 0x69 and 0x1 -> 0x69 BUT 0x1 and 0x4b do not interact with each other – it makes the game a bit harder]

      2048 Meta: [LINK] Evolve versions of the game into more complex versions.

      LHC 2048: [LINK] Play with fundamental particles!

      Offensive 2048: [LINK] Viewer discretion possibly suggested

      Drupal 2048: [LINK]

      Alphabet 2048: [LINK] Comes in a variety of languages!

      Circle of Fifths: [LINK] Music theme; also it’s cyclical (although quite hard to actually attain; you “restart” every 8192 you can make)

      Dek: [LINK] Multilingual 2048

      People in boxes

      Jpop? [LINK] [Not Kpop apparently so I’ll guess again]

      2048 Tonantes: [LINK] I really don’t know anymore… (It’s Spanish.)

      UChicago: [LINK]

      Doctor Who: [LINK]

      Turkish Gov’t: [LINK]

      Dragonball Z: [LINK] (Spanish)

      Simpsons: [LINK]

      fb2048: [LINK] [Requires Facebook, as the name suggests.] Merge your friends together!

      Everything else in boxes

      doge2048: [LINK]

      Get MIT (Good US Colleges): [LINK] [And for Caltech sympathizers, this is a much simpler version.]

      Pokemon 2048: [LINK]

      March Madness: [LINK]

      Match Madness: [LINK] [A different bracket?]

      Finnish Alcohol: [LINK]

      2048 Meta [Pictures]: [LINK] Like 2048 Meta but with images

      TfL Roundels Edition: [LINK]

      UC System 1024: [LINK] [UCSB is the last one, FYI]

      Lorem Pixel: [LINK] Combine random images, a new challenge every time

      Paw 2048: [LINK] can haz cheezburger?

      Corgi 2048: [LINK] Corgis!

      SHOTS!: [LINK] 2048 becomes a drinking game

      Audio Variants

      Audio Drone 2048: [LINK] – Sounds that correspond to what you merged

      Lulz 2048: [LINK] – Laughs

      Synth 2048: [LINK] – Synthesized sounds

      Difficult Variants

      As if 2048 wasn’t hard enough…

      2048 Hard: [LINK]

      Evil 2048: [LINK]

      Devil’s 2048: [LINK]

      AI can deliberately try to place squares in the least convenient of locations. The first includes an autorunner and has more options, but the other two run a lot faster.

      2048 Hardcore (Invis): [LINK]

      I’m not sure I’m seeing the difficulty…

      2048 Hell: [LINK]

      It’s easier than the above, at least you get to see where the tiles are (although you don’t see what numbers they are). And the larger ones do glow.

      Speed 2048: [LINK]

      Quick, tiles spawn every second or so! You also lose if you run out of space and the autospawn can’t spawn a new block.

      Jubeat 2048: [LINK]

      A cross between Deterministic 2048 and Speed 2048. (If you’re feeling particularly masochistic, try 1x speed.) Jubeat is a rhythm game by Bemani; it’s kinda like DDR except with squares.

      2048 Double: [LINK]

      Play 2048 on two boards at once. Lose on any board, lose on both boards. But you only need one 2048, thankfully.

      Random 4096 Drops: [LINK]

      Pretty sure this makes the game impossible to actually complete. But you’ll get really high scores anyway.

      Troll 2048: [LINK]

      If you like not moving in the right direction that is. Pretty mindless

      Isotopic 2048: [LINK]

      The 8, 32, 128, etc. tiles are unstable and decay after some time. You also get a 3×3 grid. Get 256.

      Fe[26]: [LINK]

      A more accurate version of the above. There’s a tricky step but afterwards it’s not too bad.

      2048 Hell (Flash): [LINK]

      2048 with physics and a more continuous “flow”.

      Merger Variants

      Changes the basic 2+2=4 equation to something weird

      2048 Zen: [LINK] [Merge anything, merge all. Impossible to lose, really]

      2048 (Unrefined merge all): [LINK] [Merge anything, but going over doesn’t register win]

      2584: [LINK] [Consecutive Fibonacci merges only.]

      1597: [LINK] [Same as above but one less.]

      987: [LINK] [Same as above but one less, again.]

      Or just Fibonacci forever.

      2187: [LINK] [3+3+3=9 gameplay. The code is sort of broken though.]

      243: [LINK] [5×5 board, 1+1+1=3. A lot more solvable now.]

      144: [LINK] [Combine multiple in a row to make 144. 5×5 board. Yes, you can make 1+1+1+1+1=5 and you’ll be sad.]

      Finals 2048: [LINK] [Get back to studying! X+X=2048 – Challenge: try to lose. It’s possible]

      204÷: [LINK] [The division sign divides a cell in half. Hilarity ensues with the 1/2, 1/4, … tiles]

      -512: [LINK] [6×6 board, two different noninteracting worlds…]

      0: [LINK] [But now they interact! 4×4 board, negatives and positives cancel out. Get zero.]

      ±64: [LINK] [Unless your goal is to get a big number (the absolute value of it, that is). Get either 64 or -64.]

      2048 Advanced: [LINK] [Spawns x2 and x4 tiles periodically. Goal = 32768]

      2(048): [LINK] [2X = X+X]

      20 Euros: [LINK] [Ok, this is now quite great. Merge coins the way you normally merge them: 1+1=2, 1+2+2=5, etc.]

      Quantum 2048: [LINK] [Wow. It collapses only if there’s no other options.]

      Divide it!: [LINK] [Take the GCD unless it’s 1]

      DIV and DIVE: [DIV] | [DIVE] [You can merge two numbers if one is a divisor of another. The first is the precursor but the second attributes itself to the former and extends it decently, with a better formatting system.]

      2048 +-*/: [LINK] [Don’t divide by 0!]

      2047: [LINK] [If the ratio of two things is less than 2, then you can merge them. A random goal at the end.]

      3ps [trips]: [LINK] [5×5 board; Threes merging mechanics (1+2=3; x+x=2x for x>=3); Goal 3072]

      Strange Board and Dimensional Variants

      More movement controls, or different boards, etc.

      2048 1-D [LINK]

      1×21 grid. I’m not sure it’s even possible to lose, really. Never spawns 4.

      2048 3-D [LINK 1] | [LINK 2] | [LINK 3] | [LINK 4] | [LINK 5]

      3x3x3 grid. Significantly easier than the normal but still “losable”. Second link actually visualizes the 3-D, and third link does the same while “preserving” the 2048 style. The fourth one is a version made in Unity.

      The fifth one is made with WebGL, and interestingly is more restrictive (you cannot move in the same direction or do a complete flip; you use arrows to rotate the cube.)

      2048 4-D [LINK 1] | [LINK 2]

      Both are 2x2x2x2 grids. The former link is more visually distinct with the subgrids than the latter.

      [also this, but wow this interface sucks]

      2048 5-D [LINK]

      Oh boy. [2x2x2x2x2] Quite easier than the 4-D version.

      16384 Hexagon [LINK]

      Regular hexagon of sidelength 3. 16384 seems rather difficult to actually attain in this mode, and it even spawns 1’s along with 2’s and 4’s.

      2048 Hexagon [LINK] Same as above but with a center peg (and an easier goal)

      2048 Hexagon 2 [LINK] But now you only have 4 moves (depending on your previous left/right move, up/down play two different moves.)

      2048 Cross 1 [LINK]

      2048 Cross 2 [LINK]

      2048 Diagonal [LINK] Yeah… don’t bother trying to get 2048, it’s just not possible.

      The above variants are two 4×4 squares that intersect each other by 1 and 4 squares respectively. Once a tile is in this intersection region it can’t move out ever again.

      2048 Triangular [LINK]

      2210212 [LINK] From the Berkeley Mystery Hunt. There is an associated one-word answer to this puzzle! Try to find it. Winning the game should be easier than normal 2048.

      Obstacle 2048 [LINK] Obstacles are placed on the board.


      Play with someone else either online or on the computer.

      Regular 2048 Multiplayer: [LINK 1] | [LINK 2] | [LINK 3]

      Depending on your opponent this game could be exciting and competitive. But playing it safe seems to be your best bet.

      Second link is a little different. You play on the same board and you try to get the most points. It allows you to play with a specified player but gets less random player traffic.

      Third link allows you to play with someone else on your computer… or by yourself if you’re forever alone.

      HN Plays 2048: [LINK]

      Akin to the (in?)famous Twitch Plays Pokemon, it’s obviously a good idea to crowdsource the 2048 playing!

      Twilio Plays 2048: [LINK]

      Another crowdsource variant where you text movement commands to a phone number.

      Cal vs Stanford Hackathon Anarchy: [LINK]

      Twitch plays 2048: [LINK]

      And if you like the classic Twitch.tv experience of TPP here you go. The above is a lot more native though.

      8402: [LINK]

      The tables have turned and you are now the evil RNG that places the tiles.

      Need more urgency? 2048: [LINK] Start placing 16’s and 32’s.

      Human 2048: [LINK]

      Or maybe you want to play with someone else.

      Gamemode Variants

      Significant departure / paradigm shift from original gameplay

      Infinity: [LINK]

      Enough upgrades and random stuff for me to call this a new game.

      Digolux: [LINK]

      In order to acquire points you have to deposit a dedicated score block, which changes strategy a bit. If you combo enough you can also get multiplier exits, and etc.

      Words Oh So Great: [LINK]

      Letters instead of numbers, and they disappear afterwards. I really think that this should be a different game entirely but it keeps the block aesthetic of 2048.

      Flappy 2048 (on 4×4 grid): [LINK] (1, 2, 3, 4, …)

      Flappy Doge2048: [LINK] (much doge)

      Logarithmic Flappy 2048: [LINK] (1, 2, 4, 8, …)

      Numberwang Flappy 2048: [LINK]

      Flappy Bird mechanics with a 2048 “theme”. No real 2048 gameplay similarities.

      Flappy Thirds: [LINK]

      Slightly 2048-mechanic in that you have to identify the right thing to merge.

      Flappy 2048: [LINK]

      This is probably the best Flappy Bird rendition of 2048 to date. Pretty challenging and smooth graphics.

      Flappy 2048 Side-by-Side: [LINK]

      Now THIS is Flappy Bird x 2048. Kinda bad implementation though.

      Racing 2048: [LINK] Flappy Bird with easier controls

      2048 Tetris: [LINK]

      These mechanics seem quite interesting actually

      to11: [LINK]

      The no-spawn puzzler version is here!

      Anti-2048: [LINK]

      Lose to win. (Try to lock yourself up)

      Negative 2048: [LINK]

      Good luck not making 2048 (a lot harder than the previous)

      Automated Scripts

      The computer is smarter and better than you are at playing the game

      Rating system: [X|Y] where X = Performance, Y = Speed (out of 10). Kinda subjective.

      [7|2] 2048 AI: [LINK] – Can be played by a human (and with a “hint” mode too)

      [5|6] 2048 Benchmark: [LINK]

      [8|8] 2048 (SleepyCoder): [LINK]

      [4|6] 2048 (Abstractionnl): [LINK]

      [8|5.2] 2048 (maartenbaert): [LINK]

      [5|5] 2048 (randomguy64): [LINK]

      [2|10] Four Basic Algorithms: [LINK] – This is more of an instructional example than a real AI. Random and near-random, simple behavior can do quite well at this game. This blogpost provides a more detailed explanation.

      AI’s written for API (load into below link)

      [?|?] 2048 with AI API: [LINK] – Build your own AI! (The packaged one isn’t that good but that’s not the point)

      [6] Monotonic AI [AI]

      [5] bbarry: [AI]

      [4] Murgo’s original: [AI]

      [3] villesalonen: [AI]

      Overall Packages

      These give you the whole shebang.

      2^31: [LINK]

      Lots of modes + basic algorithms. Includes e.g. Fibonacci, Threes!, “Merge All”, and Timed modes.

      2^31: [LINK]

      The same ol' thang + some other 2048 variants he has made.

      2^31: [LINK]

      And this page can support grid sizes up to 32x32.

      Play 2048: [LINK]

      Set your goal to 128, 256, …, 8192, or play Flappy 2048 all in one place!

      Some Assembly Required

      A smartphone or a compiler. (i.e. not this if you’re looking to play now)

      Special Equipment:

      Augmented Reality: [LINK]

      Webcam “Air2048”: [LINK]

      MS Excel: [LINK] (dropbox link, themed/camouflaged as a budget spreadsheet)


      Atari: [LINK]

      Bash: [LINK]

      C: [LINK] | No assembly required! Get an executable here!

      Another C: [LINK]

      Gameboy: [LINK]

      Hardware: [LINK] [Still a prototype.]

      iOS: [LINK] | source included

      Java: [LINK] | There’s an AI here: [LINK] (I’ll rate it as a 7|7)

      sed: [LINK]

      Terminal: [LINK]

      TI-84: [LINK]

      Vim: [LINK]


      Build your own 2048 variant

      [LINK] – Text only

      [LINK] – Images only

      [LINK] – Either

      Other / Huh?

      They claim to do better but I don’t see it; check back later I guess

      [LINK] – Spawns 64+, really weird movement (super easy to win)


      Today we are meta.

      phenomist’s WordPress – This one!



      2048 Reddit


      crazygames.com – play directly on their site




      Aarex’s List


    • 2048 Variants

      Made by The Astronomer(NoelCendana). Check them out here.

      2048 with Auto Move:
    • List of 2048 Variants

      Original - [Link] [Link 2] [Link 3]
    • 4s and 8s - [Link]
    • With 0 blocks - [Link]
    • Flappy 2048 - [Link] [Link 2]
    • Flappy 2048 (4x4) - [Link]
    • Racing 2048 - [Link]
    • 0 - [Link]
    • 0 with 2 blocks - [Link]
    • 4 - [Link] [Link 2]
    • 11 - [Link]
    • to11 - [Link]
    • 4 (2x1 grid) - [Link]
    • 25 - [Link]
    • 256 - [Link]
    • 1024 - [Link]
    • 2584 - [Link]
    • 65536 - [Link] [Link 2]

    • 4194304 - [Link]
    • 2147483648 - [Link]
    • 9007199254740992 - [Link]
    • Power of two (4x4 grid) - [Link]
    • 2048e - [Link]
    • 2048 Endless - [Link]
    • 65536 Endless - [Link]
    • 4194304 Endless - [Link]
    • 2-2-4 - [Link]
    • Finals 256 - [Link]
    • Finals 2048 - [Link] [Link 2]
    • Finals 65536 - [Link]
    • Finals 4194304 - [Link]
    • Don't make 128 - [Link]
    • Don't make 128 (Easy) - [Link]
    • Don't make 2048 - [Link]
    • To 2048 - [Link]
    • To 65536 - [Link]
    • To 4194304 - [Link]
    • To 137438953472 - [Link]
    • 2048 - The Original

      The one that started it all

      2048 - 3D

      Play in 3D on a 3x3x3 board

      2048 - 4D

      Play in 4D on a 2x2x2x2 board

      2048 - AI

      Why play when a computer can play for you?

      2048 - Multiplayer

      Battle competitors to see who's the ultimate 2048 player!

      16384 Hex

      Play on a hexagonal board




      Collide particles to generate the Higgs Boson

      Flappy 2048

      Jump through the tiles and get to 2048!

      Log. Flappy 2048

      Flappy 2048 with logarithmic scoring

      2048 Meta

      A 2048 of 2048 Games

      2048 Tetris

      2048 with a Tetris twist

      Doctor Who 2048

      2048 with The Doctor

      2048 - Hard

      The computer will always place the tile in an annoying place.


      Prevent the evil AI player from reaching the 2048 tile!


      Divide until you reach the 1-tile!

      2048 Corgis

      2048 with Corgis

    • 2048 2D (Orignal) 2048 3D 2048 4D 2048 5D Devil's 2048 2048 NumberWang Evil 2048 Bash 2048 Fibonacci 8x8 2147483648 8x8 9007199254740992 Hex 16384 Flappy 2048 logarithmic flappy 2048 flappy bird and 2048 side by side Doge 2048 2048 AI 2048 Tetris 2048-Multiplayer 2048^0 2048-undo LHC (2048 For Physicists) 2048 Meta Pokemon 2048 Deterministic 2048 11 243 1 204div -512 Dropbox 2048 2048DBZ 8192 Bollywood 2048 2048 3D Layered 987
    • 2048's by me

      2048's I created (oldest to newest)

    • 131072 (forked from Cam Song a.k.a. (unknownhacker1125))[Link]
    • 2147483648 [Link]
    • 2s only [Link]
    • -512 [Link]

    To add your own, fork on github, add your own and open a pull request.

    Original 2048 created by Gabriele Cirulli. This list created by Assaf Gelber.


    More 2048 variants coming soon!